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My great consciousness was awakened, a strange and charming journey

Bao Ping


Today When I first heard the course “Great Awakening of the Consciousness”, I couldn’t help but wonder: what kind of course can be worthy of this theme? “Led by an American Zen master”, “Five-member group”… These concepts attracted me. At the same time, I realized that there are still many “stuck points” in my life. If I don’t stand higher Place, then, I have no way to see the solution. I have always believed that Grandpa Hellingerhai’s words contain great wisdom. His profound insights guide us on the “road” we should follow in the world. So what kind of “tool” is the great consciousness awakening? Will it make my “mobile” come faster? I hope to experience it for myself. A total of four weeks, every Sunday at noon for an hour and a half of the course, Mr. Brent led us on a strange and fascinating journey, which was unexpected when I decided to sign up.

The awareness of the course was beyond my imagination. One of the most important topics in life: how to face your fears. Teacher Brent’s first lesson starts here. In each of us lives, who is not in the shadow of fear? Fear permeates every aspect of our lives. Anxiety, worry… These emotions are actually fears, shredded fears that are harder to identify. Are we more resistant and disgusted with our own fears? At least I was like this before. I feel that it is everywhere and interferes with my life. It makes my life uneasy. It is tied to the unknown in the future and makes me nervous. Sometimes the heart will be pulled into the abyss by it. So, is this the truth about fear?

Teacher Brent’s first lesson is to let us experience that when I incarnate as my own “fear deity”, fear wants to say something to “me”. Consciousness is divided into two here. In just one thought, I completely entered the role of the “fear deity”. I felt the love for my master, the guardian I have always done my best, and even the sadness and grievance that I didn’t understand and was pushed away by the master… For the first time, I felt strongly in the “fear deity” Here, I really knew it and shed tears about it. If you can embrace, respect, and trust your fears, then what will happen? If you become the opposite of fear, how will you experience it? After only two classes, my consciousness and perspective were deeply expanded. I saw a picture I had never seen before, and now I know that it is the truth. For a long time, my “victim” model has made me unable to trust the goodwill of this world, and when I can accept and embrace my fears, I also find that this world is mysterious and broad at the same time as friendly. The students attending the class together are also very good, they all have their own awareness, we inspire and feel each other. Mr. Xiaoshan’s translation is accurate and perfect, and her gentle and sweet voice allows us to feel the wisdom of Mr. Brent in real time, without any language barriers. So, what can be better? Continue to learn, be aware, continue to diligently improve our lives, and taste the sweetness of life together. This is the insight I got in the Great Awakening Class, and I am looking forward to the next two classes with eagerness. If you want to have this kind of experience and awareness, if you also want to know the meaning of life, if you are still in confusion now, if you still have a curious and open heart, then I want to tell you this time journey, you really should not miss it. 

Now my heart is more relaxed, more clear-minded, with more fluidity...

Xiao Mi


This is the first time to study with Brent. At the beginning, I didn’t get used to it. On the one hand, language communication, on the other hand, constantly asked questions.

With the deepening of the course, we are also removing obstacles for ourselves. Brent’s words, even if not fully understood, did not affect our communication and learning.

When Brent wanted to talk to my controller, I was scared inside. Some of it was the controller’s, most of it should be my own. In questioning, I was able to distinguish this part and let the controller out. Brent’s thoughtful questioning made me feel a lot easier. And think it’s kind of fun in this format, so let’s play it. 😊

On the second day of the course, the state is easier to enter. But also harvest a rich picture of life (wearing the wings of both sides of things, confident toward the road of life ahead🧚 ‍ ♀ ️  )

These two days of classes, for my previous very confused state, like nectar, now my heart is more relaxed, more clear mind, thinking more fluid ✌️

Thanks to Brent,

Thanks to Miss Xiaotang and Lijuan for their recommendation,

Thanks to Serena and Sophie for their patience in translating,

Thank you for your company and support 😊

I had that profound experience. Far beyond the theory and language of the mind.

Jian Xin Fang


In the course of the real taste of unity. And I had that profound experience. Far beyond the theory and language of the mind.  At the beginning, one may not know what to do, and even some places will have resistance, with the teacher’s questions, a different layer open, and I felt it. When you feel it, you just know it. No language, no logic. As teacher Brent said: jump into the pool, you know the temperature of the water. The judgment of self and fear is transformed and gone. Self-struggle and pain is just a game, just a choice. You can choose not to suffer.

At the end of the course, I thought of a sentence in the Tiantai School of Meditation and Samadhi: “You will enter the First Righteous View of the Middle Way, and you will shine upon the Two Noble Truths. Your heart will be silent and will naturally flow into the Sambora Sea.” In the boundless chaos and deep silence. 

It feels so amazing! Knowing myself from a different angle again!



Taking Brent’s course for the first time! It feels so amazing! Knowing myself from a different angle again! On the first day, Zhang Jihe needs to talk to the controller, but it can’t appear for a long time! I heard from Teacher Brent that I need to adjust myself to the most comfortable posture. Jihe likes to stand the most, so I feel a lot more transparent when I stand up! The controller “shows up” soon! It turned out that it has been hidden, and won me the chance to “live”! Tell me how to get along with my mother, how to behave! It turns out I still have many identities! Amazing~ The next day I need to talk to my fear, my fear is a naughty child who is not too big! If I violate it, it will “punish” me as soon as possible! I like talking to different me so much, they all appear in the best form, protecting me and making me strong! Thanks to teacher Brent, thanks to Serena, and thanks to the host! Thank you friends who are studying together! Thank you for making Jihe meet his best self!